Mr. Iyad Joudeh
Iyad Joudeh is the founder and the Managing Director of Solutions for Development; a private consulting firm specializing in the field of economic development and business consulting.
Iyad has over 30 years of diversified experience in private sector development, business strategy and marketing. His knowledge covers many fields including financial services, manufacturing, agriculture and ICT.
During his professional career Iyad held many senior management positions including the Chief Executive Officer of Palestine Trade Center (PalTrade- The national export promotion agency), the Marketing Director of Bethlehem 2000, the General Manager of Development Resource Center and the General Director of the Economic Development Group.
Moreover, Iyad serves as a member in Bir Zeit University’s Board of Trustees (the University’s Treasurer), Mr. Joudeh is also a member of the Boards of Directors of the Palestine Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Palestine Investment Fund.
He has also held several previous positions in Palestinian national institutions, including the Palestine Monetary Authority, Vice President of the Palestinian Export Council and Asala Credit Institution.
Iyad has a finance and management high Diploma through the Hubert Humphrey Fellowship Program, from Boston University and a Bachelor degree in Economics from BirZeit University.